Thursday, June 15, 2006

Entry for June 15, 2006

The sun is shining and the sky is blue. Seems like quite a nice day out there while I am beavering away in the office. Hey ho.

Have hit the agencies this morning with mixed results. Keep on trying, is the moto. It's very difficult to keep on sounding keen and enthusiastic, when all you seem to get from most is flannel and a half promise. Have heard I have a second interview lined up in a couple of weeks, so fingers crossed. That will be for a whole day. And I thought two and a half hours was enough. Gulp.

Little lad has been been pushing the boundaries quite a bit this week- trying to establish his own indentity and desires. Choice of clothes is one flash point at present. His language skills seem to have come on in leaps and bounds this past month or so but sometimes it's not enough and he throws a wobbler to try to get his way. Guess that's the Terrible Two's for you. Most of the time he very well behaved and is learning fast that saying "please" or "thank you" tends to get more favourable results from us grown-ups. When all else fails, he still falls back on his big smiles and flirting skills which work wonders in Waitrose where he is known by name by more or less all the female staff and alot of the men. Now where does he get that from?

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