Monday, May 31, 2010

Intro To Few New Bloggers :) :)

A New Comer,
Who Wish To Blog In His/Her Own Way
Expects & Feels That, Experienced Bloggers
Would Definitely Encourage, Motivate.
Teach Different Poetry Styles, Writing Styles.....

Recently, I Was Introduced To Few Bloggers,
One Is Very Much Interested In Stock Market,
Other One Is Interested In Poems....

Lets All Welcome These Bloggers To Blogosphere & Lets Encourage Them, Guide Them If They Need, Suggest & Compliment Their Writings. 

To View Stock Market Blog, Click Here"Diary of Stock World".
To View Poetry Blog, Click Here. "Ocean of Poems".

Another Blog, Which I Like To Introduce To All Is A Spiritual Blog. This Blog Is of My Uncle. He Is A Writer. He Has Written Autobiography of Sri. Shirdi Sai Baba In English. He Translated Original Marathi Version Composed By Late. Sri Hemad Pant Into English. His Books Are Available All Over The World. Even His Blog, He Has Written The Autobiography[Same As Book] & Few Leela's of Baba. His List of Blogs Are :- 

Sri Sai Satcharitra [Autobiography Blog].
Baba's Devotees.

Click On The Above Three To Have A Look. 

Dearies, In This World of Poetry, This Is The First Time, I Am Introducing To Few Bloggers. I Just Felt To Devote One Post To Welcome New Bloggers, Encourage Them & Intro To Many Good Bloggers. 

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Parrot's Cage".

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kurt Bush won Coca-Cola 600 race at Charlotte

Coca-Cola 600 race
Kurt Bush won Coca-Cola 600 race at Charlotte on Sunday. The race started in the Day time (in Sunlight) and ended at Night (under flood lights). After winning the race Kurt Bush said that “This was a race for the ages” and he also said that the car was good in the day time and he was afraid of the car during night and he played it well and won the Coca-Cola race 600.

All the teams in the country will visit the Charlotte Motor Speed Way during the Memorial Day weekend to participate in one of most prestigious motor sports, the Coca Cola 600. This is a memorable experience for the fans to enjoy the show and salute the Armed Forces of America. Tickets are available at the gates 1-4 and 7, 9, 1, 20, 26 and 30 also.

Effective ways to manage project

People in today’s world want to earn money and most of them want to start their own business. I like this positive attitude that people have developed, so I thought I would provide some tips and guidance to all young and aspiring entrepreneurs. Project management is the most important thing in order to become a successful business man.

The project management approach and the project scope and milestone list are very much important in order to become more successful and create a reputation for your company. The cost management plan is very important to scale a growth since cost management plays a vital role in each company’s profit.

Project Management Templates would play the most important part to maintain each and every project effectively. This site provides free templates which can be used by all, without violating any copyright laws. The template contains “meeting agenda” which helps us to know what are all the topics that needs to be discussed in the meeting. The project documents are based on PMBOK and so you can use them worldwide.


Wasn't it Paul Simon who wrote: "I have a photograph inscribed with memories" ?

My father loved dabbling in photography. He taught me how to develop film and then how to print pictures. In his improvised dark room there was a red light and there were big brown bottles of chemicals. One was a "fixer".

He took posed pictures of old men from our village smoking pipes or drinking pints of beer and he left behind a photo of Pentewan in Cornwall taken in 1958. Lovely Pentewan where we went for long summery holidays from 1957 to 1963 or 4. We had a Lynton Triumph caravan. A heavy, ugly pre-war beast but all six of us slept in her.
They were magical days. The sun shone. Me and my brothers - we spent hours on that beach. To the very left of the picture there was a stream that meandered from the nearby china clay works at St Austell bearing slippery white kaolin. How delightful it was to paddle in that smooth white clay or make temporary dams. And we would swim or splash in those pleasant Cornish waves.

There was "Kelly's" wonderful honey-coloured ice cream to relish in crispy wafer cones and warm Cornish pasties from the village - fist-sized traditional pastry parcels filled with seasoned minced lamb and chopped potato and carrot. You couldn't buy exotic foodstuffs like these in faraway Yorkshire.

There were excursions to Land's End, The Lizard, Fowey and Truro but mostly we loved just frittering time away around the beach and the caravan site. As a four and five year old I was well-known for wandering off - just walking away and becoming totally lost. For those summers, they often made me wear a label round my neck with my name and holiday location on the reverse side. It was a hard plastic label with a chain and on the front side, the legend "Castrol" was printed in red-white on a dark green background. Of all my brothers why was it me who wandered away? I like to think of this as a clue to who I would become.
Pentewan last year

A Tribute to Sex and the City

The series had already ended when I was introduced to the four fabulous manhattanites and the show that changed television history. I wasn't interested in the show when it was aired, it seemed vulgar and silly. I thought it wouldn't speak to me, I thought I was too young to really get it. I was actually going to be one of those people who never watched a single episode of Sex and the City.
But then, at 19, I went through a devastating break-up. And as I told the story of the relationship over and over again to different friends, I kept hearing, "Oh my god. You're totally like Carrie! He's your Big!" I started to get a little annoyed. I didn't want my personal life compared to a TV SHOW. Especially since, by the way they were all saying it, I had clearly made some bad decisions and was being compared to a lunatic. I decided I would most definitely never watch that show.
But, one day, amidst a wave of depression while visiting my friend Divya, a sex and the city-devotee, between drinking Godiva chocolate liquor and eating baked cheetos, I was convinced to give the show a shot at cheering me up. The very first season was popped into the dvd player, and we started with the first episode, which happens to be when Carrie met Big.
Before I knew it, I had watched the entire first season in one sitting and was hugging the couch cushion intensely, my face bloated and pink from laughing and crying and gasping.
This is amazing, I thought, I can identify with these women so much it's insane. I've only known them for about four hours, and I already love them. I want to know more. How were they allowed to do and say these things on television? And what is Carrie wearing? Oh my god, where's season two?

I didn't get to watch season two that night, but I came back a few weeks later for it. And over the course of the following six months, I would watch every single episode of Sex and the City at least once. I was completely converted. I had never expected men and women of the world to allow a show that exposed, with such exaggerated honesty, these truths about women:

1. We think about sex. We talk about sex. We like sex.
2. We don't all want to get married. Some of us may, in fact, get allergic reactions to wedding dresses. But then, we may change our minds. Just don't try to change our minds for us.
3. We eat.
4. We fart.
5. Yes, we do analyze everything men say, do, and think, and we take it all personally.
6. Having babies is hard.
7. We can be independent and still be insecure about whether a guy's going to call us or not.
8. We like the wrong guys.
9. We hurt the nice guys.
10. We can be friends with each other.

Those are just a few. Sex and the City normalized so many things that the CRW (Committee for the Repression of Women) had controlled and thwarted for centuries, no wonder it spoke to women of all ages, around the world, for years. The show was a hit because we, women of the world, needed it. We were thirsty for something that spoke to all of us, whether we were dying-to-get-married-Charlotte's or psycho-dramatic-about-relationships-Carrie's or sarcastic-and-cynical-no-bullshit-Miranda's or horny-as-rabbits-Samantha's, or a combination of them, or all of them. They were us, and we loved them for their courage and their honesty.

I am, of course, bringing all of this up because I saw the second movie two nights ago. And I have to say, I loved it. Not only the movie, but the whole experience. I got dressed up- pulled out the Dolce & Gabbana and the Prada, met three girlfriends for cocktails (I had a champagne cosmopolitan, yes I did), bought chocolate and popcorn, and sat in a PACKED movie theatre on the upper west side with another hundred or so groups of dressed up women who were doing the same thing. It didn't even matter if the movie was good or not, we will always want to know what those four women are up to, we want them to live forever. We all had that in common at that movie house- we had been changed by Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha. They nursed us from our break-ups, brought us closer to our own girlfriends, started new friendships, indulged our passions for shoes, helped us discover what we really wanted from men, and told us that being dramatic, crazy, needy, sexy, powerful, romantic, horny, successful, confused, lonely, indulgent, silly, feminine, and forever hopeful was OK. Oh, and Carrie alone told us that wearing the most outrageous outfits around manhattan was perfectly OK too, changing New York City's boundaries for fashion permanently.

The girls were received with loving, open arms all around the globe, because we still need them. We still want to know what to do with our relationships, even after we're married. We want to know if anyone else thinks motherhood is insanely hard. We want to know that it's okay to wear purple and yellow. We want to know what to do when we run into our ex-boyfriends. And, of course, we want to watch women bonding over fabulous meals and searching, together, for the truth about love and relationships.

I hope they keep making movies, because I will always love those four fabulous women and cheer for them. They are icons and, to me, they are an immortal source for the study of women, love, sex, relationships, friendships, family, and, of course, myself.

Me, at the movie theatre, about to watch Sex and the City 2.

Parrots Cage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Alone Sitting On A Stone Bench In A Park.....
Was Thinking How To Find A Key 
Of My Caged Thoughts.....

Then A Parrot By Name Chintu,
Asked Me, Why Am I Dull ??

I Told Chintu, That I Am Confused...
I Feel That My Thoughts Are Caged,
I Feel All Alone To Share My Matter....

Then, Chintu Consoled Me Saying....
Dear, You Do Have Your Own Ways of Living
You Roam Where Ever You Want,
You Have Seen How Actually The Sky Looks,
You Know Different Type of People.......
You Get Many Opportunities To See The World....

But Look At Me, 
I Am Always Caged 24/7
I Know To Fly, But I Can't Fly
I Have My Own Dreams & Wishes As You Have
Still I Can't Fulfill Those Dreams & Wishes....
'coz I Am Caged......

I Want To Fly As High As Possible,
I Want To Touch The Sky,
I Want To See Clouds As Much Closer As I Can
I Want To Stay & Fly With Other Birds.....
But, I Can't.....

In Cage I Cannot See Anything Clearly....
My Owners Feed Me, When I Am Hunger
But, I Can't Eat What I Want The Most....
I Am A Living Being.....I Too Feel Like,
Chewing Something or The Other
I Want To Chew Cherries, Green Chillies, Strawberries,
And Many More....But, I Can't......

What Sin Have I Committed....
What Sin Did I Commit To Be Caged Forever ........

This Is My Life....
Everyone Are Attracted Towards My Beauty.....
But Does Anybody Understand My Feelings, Wants,Wishes & Dreams ????
If Yes, When Do They Understand ??
Do They Understand Or Atleast Realise After My DEATH ??

Chintu Was Deeply Hurt Since He Was Caged....
I Immediately Opened His Cage Door.
He Told Me That, You Don't Know About My Owner...
Owner Would Kill You, If You Allow Me To Fly.....

Then, I Told Chintu
Not To Worry About All That
And Asked Him To Fly As Earliest & Possible.

He Looked Very Jovial, Happy & Flew Offfffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, I Realized My Problems Are Nothing
In Front Of Chintu......I Could Share & Speak Out...
But Not Chintu :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "True Friendship".

PPS :- Dearies, This Poem Is Based On My Pure Imagination !!!!!!!!!!

Have A Lovely Week Ahead  :)  :) Enjoyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Take Care.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Captain Slow

Loyal readers may recall I was recently caught speeding in my little car. As a result I was offered the opportunity to attend a Driver Awareness course, or pay a fine and receive points on my licence. Bit of a no-brainer that one.

Anyway having spent one afternoon this week (with a number of other law breakers), I have to say what an informative and excellent course it was. All be it a tad sobering. So it seems my work colleagues now have a new nick-name for me: Captain Slow. This is the same nick-name given to James May from BBC's Top Gear because of his rather sensible, sedate driving style.

The boys from Top Gear: (L to R) Jeremy Clarkson, James "Captain Slow" May and Richard Hammond. 'Tame' race driver The Stig declined to pose LOL.

Gonna drive a bit slower and pay more attention all round from now on. Guess that means I'm not in such bad company after all!

Dad has announced he is to remarry. Not too sure how I feel about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Mum and Dad circa 1946
Photo upon photo and a decision to be made about every one. If the great PhotoGod were to look down upon me I would have to say "Guilty!" for throwing away so many memories captured on little rectangles of photographic paper. In World War II, my father got to visit Egypt, Palestine, Ceylon, Kashmir, Sudan, South Africa, the Persian Gulf, the Himalayas including Nepal as well as many remote parts of southern India. It was a mind-expanding adventure courtesy of the Royal Air Force. Unfortunately, most of the snaps he took are tiny and in fading black and white. If only he'd had a modern digital camera!

I discovered that before the war he'd travelled with a friend to Germany - including Koblenz and Cologne. It was most likely 1936. Two recently qualified teachers from St John's College in York in their sharp suits smoking manly pipes and blissfully unaware that all too soon all hell would break loose. There'd be jackboots on those very cobbles and man's noblest qualities would become as emaciated as the rib cages of little children in Nazi death camps. Nearly all photos from that pre-war trip are now in our blue wheelie bin.
Dad and friend in Cologne, Germany 1936
And of mum, the photos reminded me that in the early nineteen thirties she enjoyed being a member of the Parkgate Dance School between smoky Rotherham and the mining village of Rawmarsh where she grew up. Some light and fantasy amid the everyday grimness. There were many pictures of assembled casts in various peculiar costumes. Perhaps it was good practice for 1943 when she would become the drum majorette of the Women's Air Force band in New Delhi. And some of these pictures now reside in the blue bin.
Mum - Parkgate Dance School 1932
You can't hang on to everything but for every five I throw away I seem to be saving one. I wonder if I'm being ruthless enough. After all when they are bagged up, the saved photos will probably just sit in drawers or attics, unstudied and half-forgotten.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Difficult Year

There should be a hand-book, complete with how-to dvd's and survival techniques, for a creative artist's first year out of school. There should also be support groups, massage therapists, and retreats, all free and unlimited, available throughout that first year.

Here is my story of my first year out of school, I share it in hopes that it may help others, and attract positive changes for me as well.

I'd been in school since the age of two, never taking a single year off, going straight from high-school to college, then from college to grad school. The idea was that I'd have acquired a Master's Degree by the age of 24 so that I could go off and be a movie-star and best-selling author by, say, age 29.
And so, a year ago, there I was, 23 years old, holding my M.F.A., excited as hell about the life that lay ahead of me. I was trained to the core and ready to go out and work. I could finally audition for everything, without worrying about it conflicting with my school schedule. I could be in plays and start working my way into the world of television and film. I could write. I could read books that were not school-related. I could spend two months in Italy if I wanted to. I could maybe get a touring show and travel around the United States doing theatre. I could do anything! The world was full of possibilities, and I was young enough and educated enough to take advantage of all of them.

I thought my first year out of school would be really empowering, glamorous, and freeing.

But, in reality, this past year has been really difficult, depressing, unexciting, and depriving. I did audition for everything, and it turned out to be a horrible experience almost every time- I haven't been to a single pleasant audition all year! I did one play, which was free and performed outdoors (not such a great idea in New York's humid summers). I did four student films, none of which I was particularly fulfilled by, and was an extra in Oliver Stone's next film (if you think that sounds glamorous, think again. Extras are like bus-boys: necessary but unappreciated, underpaid and unhappy). I tried to be in a showcase, and it got canceled. I tried to put together a film group with some friends, and it fell apart. I tried to put up a play on my own, but then I couldn't get the rights. I submitted myself to 100 agencies, and didn't get a single call. Since I wanted to spend the year focusing on my career, I didn't take on a regular job, which means I had no salary, which made things like traveling to Europe impossible.
Without structure of any kind, my days blended into each other, and I started sleeping until noon, eating irregularly, and spending a lot of time alone in my apartment. My enthusiasm for acting started to seep out of me, and soon I found myself in a heavy cloud of sadness and defeat. The shock of going from acting, learning, and being around actors every day to the exact opposite started to settle in- and it was ugly.
By the way, that whole "you'll stay in touch with who really matters after school" thing is a lie. It's very easy to lose touch with everyone, even the people you care for, when you're not seeing them every day, and when everyone is depressed and struggling. After the first few months went by, I was only seeing my best friends maybe once every two or three weeks.
I went home to Brazil around christmas time, since I hadn't been home in a year and had to get out of New York, away from my life, before I did anything stupid or got any fatter. I was actually so depressed in New York I thought I might move back to Brazil permanently, but after two months there I realized my life was in New York and I had to get back to it. I did get better while I was away though, I got to rest, I took an acting workshop that brought me back to life, I lost some weight, ate healthy food, traveled with my mom, and, in an effort to awaken a long-sleeping closeted writer, started this blog. I returned to New York with a lot of new, restored energy. I was ready to start auditioning again and keep on trying to be an actress.

But the story repeated itself.

And now, over the past month especially, I have felt the wave of depression wear over me. It's been stronger this time, strong enough to make me really consider giving up on acting, as some previous blog posts may have given away.

I'm so scared of that thought though, that I have been trying everything I can think of to overcome it. I started the workbook "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, which is a great resource for struggling artists. I took a film-making for actors workshop and made my own little film, which really reconnected me to my deep, undying, beautiful love for acting. I started writing a play I'd been thinking about, and asked a friend to help me so that I would really do it, not just think about it. And I write here as often as inspiration hits me. I keep submitting myself for things, auditioning, hearing no's, or not hearing anything at all, and auditioning some more. I've also started looking for a paying job that might have something to do with writing. The truth is, I don't want to give up on acting, I'm just really tired of this business and scared of how it's deadening my soul- part of me thinks that maybe if I leave it now, at least I'll still preserve the part of me that still loves acting. The last thing I want is to become jaded, angry, and bitter about acting.

It's been a really hard year, and I think that anyone about to embark on their first year out of school should know just how hard it is. Maybe if I had known then I would've prepared myself a little. Painted a wall in my apartment bright pink to fight depression away. Made a schedule for myself that gave me some structure, every day, and involved physical exercise and some joy in it. Created realistic goals that I could actually achieve this year- maybe just get a call-back, instead of getting the part, or put up a reading of a play, instead of the whole play. Plan a day-trip to the beach instead of a long month-long trip to Europe.

I don't know if the year to come will be any easier, but I am hoping it will be different. Maybe I'll be a little more prepared now for the hard times. I did buy some bright colored shirts to break my all-black wardrobe, got a plant, and planned to do yoga regularly. And I've written a prayer, which I'll share here since this is one place where I connect with the world through creativity, and maybe someone else can use this prayer as well.

Dear Universe,

I ask for guidance and help with my career as an actress and writer.
May opportunities come my way, and may they feed my creative soul as well as further my career.
May I see the light and beauty in the harder times, and may I find truth in the moments of doubt.
I pray for strength, perseverance, opportunity, and joy.
I am grateful for my gifts, and I pray that I may express them to their full potential.

With love,

Larissa Dzegar

Small Ships

Today marks the 70th anniversary of Operation Dynamo- the evacuation of Dunkirk. Over 300,000 allied troops were rescued from northern France during the period 27 May to 4 June 1940. Around 50 of the original surviving small ships made the trip across the English Channel today to mark the occasion. Read about it here and take a look at some images here.

Some have argued that without this heroic rescue the war may well have ended differently or at least lasted far longer.

BTW: Five hundred blog posts. Not too shabby LOL.

Sri Kalahasthi Temple Gopuram

Sri Kalahasthi Temple Gopuram
Sri Kalahasthi Temple, Kali Gopuram situated at Kalahasti, Chittor District, Andhara Pradesh collapsed on 26th May, 2010 around 8 p.m. Sri Kalahasthi temple is located about 35 kms from the famous Tirupathi temple. The temple was built by Raja Sri Krishna Devarayar 500 years ago. Earlier the temple authorities noticed the huge cracks in the gopuram and they tightened it with wire mesh to prevent further cracks. The main temple gopuram was not affected. On Tuesday, the temple authorities noticed further cracks in the gopuram and with the help of Police, they evacuated all the people and shopkeepers and announced that 150 m. radius area as Danger Zone. So the major disaster has been prevented. It is said that the Cyclone “Laila” and the heavy rains weakened the temple structure. It is said that the Gopuram was built using only clay.

The entire Andhra Pradesh is celebration the 500th year of the coronation of the emperor Krishna Devarayar, the dream structure of the emperor was collapsed. But the interesting news is last year a statue of Krishna Devarayar was erected at the base of the gopuram. The statue was not affected, but the debris lies in the feet of the emperor.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

True Friendship :) :)

I Wanted A Friend
Who Could Stay Beside Me,
Who Could Inspire, Motivate Me
At The Time of Sorrow.....

My Heart Was In Immense Pain
I Wanted A Heart, Which Can Heal My Pain
The Very Moment I Heard Door Bell.
To My Surprise It Was You...

You Wrapped Me In Your Arms,
I Tried To Hide My Tears Behind Your Shoulders...
But, Was Inconsolable....
You Felt My Pain...You Felt My Fear....
You Felt My Grief Stricken Heart..
You Felt That, My Heart Is In Immense Pain.....

You Just Stayed Quiet.
You Tried To Understand The Up Rooted
Cause of My Pain..

I Felt Relieved After You Took Me
To Sea Shore...Waves Were Splashing My
Foot  And Pain Washed Away Through Those Waves :) :)

Such Is Our True Friendship
You Came To Me, When I Needed You The Most.....
You Supported Me, When I Needed Supporting Arms,
You Washed Away My Pain Taking Me To Sea Shore
Even At The Late Night :) :) 

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Wishes For Previous Post, "Back To Destination"

PPS :- Dearies, I Have Lost Continuity In Poems....So I Needed Some Time To Get Back To Poetry Tracks. This Poem Is Not That Good. Still, Somehow I Wanted To Make It...Anyways, I Know You All Inspire, Motivate & Encourage Me, Through Your Writings. 

Very Soon, Will Surely Visit All Your Blogs.....Currently Busy With Post Graduation Admission....

Miss You All :(  :( 


You may remember that at the weekend I came home from my mother's house with lots of photos. In fact hundreds if not thousands of them in three suitcases and a couple of boxes. Today I pretty much sorted through just one of the suitcases - ruthlessly ditching a couple of armfuls but still left with over a hundred individual photographs that are now arranged in family distribution piles on our dining room table.

The discarding process was sad but necessary. Photos of mum's holidays in various places - Jamaica, Malta, Turkey, Canada, Majorca - holiday friends, harbour scenes, apartment blocks, swimming pools, belly dancers. She was very evidently amateurish behind the camera. Photos of village events at the school, the sports club, the Women's Institute. Photos of various people I didn't know - weddings, babies, banquets. All gone - now jumbled in a big blue "Sakis" menswear bag ready for the recycling bin.

Amongst all these photos - the snapped evidence of a lifetime ceased - there were occasional pictures of my brilliant father, Philip, who was heart attacked to death in September 1979 though it really does seem like yesterday. In my early twenties he was my best friend - I am sure he saw the image of himself in me - and I still miss him. I feel quite sad that he wasn't at our wedding and never got to meet the grandchildren Shirley and I produced too late for him to know.

But those three paragraphs above are all just preamble. The main purpose of this post is simply to share with you two photographs I found in the first suitcase. They were taken on October 24th 1981 - our wedding day. Location - St Martin's Parish Church in Owston Ferry, Lincolnshire. In the first photo, moving from left to right there's Simon, my younger brother and best man, my Nana - Phyllis Morris who died in 1988, Mum, me and Shirley, Shirley's mum Winnie who passed away in 2008, Shirley's grandma Minnie Anderson and also my father-in-law Charlie who succumbed to cancer in 2000 and finally Carolyn, Shirley's sister and maid of honour.
Taken a few minutes later, there's me and Shirley with my three bearded brothers. To the right there's Paul of the Irish fiddle in County Clare and Robin of the motorbikes and French gites - way down south near the Pyrenees. Time marches on. How shall we meet tomorrow?

Ignition Energy Booster

Hi friends, nowadays everybody is giving importance to their health. They are interested to know about new products and its nutritional value, benefits of the products, other health related news, etc. Here I am going to give you some details about a product which works as Energy Booster to you and your family. Exercising makes your body to lose electrolytes. If you take NO Explode the ingredients present in it supply the electrolytes to the body and maintains the optimum level of electrolyte. This product is BSN’s award wining energy booster. They come in many flavors such as Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit Punch, Lemon Lime, Lemonade, orange and Blue Raz. These energy boosters with 2.25 lbs original price is $ 66.99 comes with a discount of $30.02 and you will get at the price of $ 36.97.

In the beginning consume one scoop of NO Xplode with five to six oz (you can increase or decrease according to your taste) of cold water. After assessing your tolerance, you can consume one to three scoops of No Xplode with 5 to 18 oz of cold water and take it 30 to 45 minutes before your training. If you want to achieve maximum benefit consume it in the empty stomach. During non-training days you can consume one scoop of No Xplode with 5 to 6 oz of cold water in empty stomach. This is just a tip and you can change according to your need.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SSLC 10th Exam Results

Hi friends, SSLC 10th Std. Exam (for Tamil Nadu State Board Students, Matriculation students, Anglo Indian Students) Results coming today by 9 a.m.(26.5.2010). All the very best for the students. You can view the results in the following web sites.

In the following websites the first two are very fast.

Chennai telephones (bsnl) has also made arrangements for releasing the 10th results. If you want to get results in your mobile, dial 1255596 and enter your register number and send sms they will inform you, your marks, charge is Rs.5/-. In case if you got low marks (fail), don't worry, instant exams are available, you can write the exams for one to three subjects in the month of June and you can continue your higher studies.

New ways to earn money

Hi friends, usually the candle wax burn with a wick and flame. The innovative idea that has become popular now was first suggested by Kara Egan and Colette Gunnell , the founders of Scentsy. The idea is that the candle will not burn on wick and flame but they use bulb heat to burn the candle. The sweet smell comes from the candles and warmers brings happiness to the family. In 1st July, 2004, Scentsy became the “Partly Plan” Company and they have signed their first consultant. After five successful years, they got the Award from the Direct Selling Association, which the highest honor to this young and energetic companies.

If you want to earn money in your free time, join scentsy, every Scentsy Consultant will be provided with a starter kit which includes demo products, tester fragrances, etc. They will give you 20% to 30% commission on your sales. If you work hard and spend more time and energy you can earn six digit incomes every year. You will get a free web site for the first three months and you will be charged $10 for every month after the initiall three months. If your order for $150 or more you will be provided with a free shipping. If you want to join scentsy, visit their website or call the Scentsy Consultant and sign up in their site. This is very simple. It is not necessary to have any sales experience all you need to do is join scentsy and start earning.

Laetitia Casta hot pictures

Laetitia Casta  hot

Laetitia Casta
Laetitia Casta  hot pic

Laetitia Casta a French fashion model born in 1978.The best feature that I like in her is her hair and blue eyes. I feel her eyes are so attractive and I am very much attracted towards her. I should a thank a photographer who identified her at the age 15 and that is how Laetitia Casta's career started.She is also well known for Francophone film in which she acted.


Well, I've been lurking around in Ecclesall Woods again on a lovely hot Monday afternoon with sunshine piercing the canopy to dapple glades of bluebells and rare grasses with vivacious light. There are 350 acres of ancient woodland and in past centuries the woods accommodated several rural industries - including charcoal burning.

Another name for a charcoal burner was "wood collier" and one of these fellows accidentally burnt to death in his hut back in 1786. He was called George Yardley and his isolated grave was paid for by a group of his friends - one of whom was the landlord of the nearby "Rising Sun" where Yardley liked to quench his thirst after hard days of physical labour.
This is the full inscription on the gravestone:-
In Memory
Wood Collier who was Burnt
to death in his Cabbin on
This place Oct 11th 1786

William Brooke Salesman
David Glofsop Gamekeeper
Thos Smith Beesomemaker
Samps Brooksham Innkeeper"

I plan to lurk more often in those wonderful woods but the schoolchildren I saw returning home along a woodland path round about four o'clock had better watch out as evidence of their previous saunterings is visible in the form of numerous pieces of litter - not seen anywhere else in that sylvan oasis. I may chase them with a "beesom" or broom made from ash or hazel wands and thereby become The Lurking Litter Avenger of Ecclesall Woods!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Strong Body

I used to be completely resigned about my non-existent inner athlete. It just never appealed to me, the whole run till you throw up blood thing then do 674 push-ups. What was the point? It all just seemed like a whole lot of suffering to me.
First of all, I'm not all that competitive. I don't know if I was at some point, and then just gave up on it, but for as long as I could remember, I was much more of a peace-maker than a warrior when it came to sports.
Second of all, I just wasn't naturally good at anything athletic. Put a basketball in my hand and I was most likely to put it underneath my butt and sit on it. The only sport that I was kind of good at was swimming, and that's only because I had literally done it my whole life, and it's the perfect sport to make a hobby of if you're not good at sports because it really just requires the same movement over and over again in a straight line. Even then, I was mostly just a "graceful swimmer" rather than a fast one- translation: my limbs are long, moving them around underwater tends to look esthetically appealing, but does not guarantee that I'll move any faster than a starfish.
Lastly, I just don't like sports. I don't like the aggressive energy, I don't like the sweat and dirt of it all, I don't like the pressure, and I don't like doing things I'm not good at.

Put all these things together and you can start to understand why no one ever wanted me to be on their team in gym class. I was always close to last when teams were picked, and I certainly was never given the privilege of being team captain or anything like that. I didn't even like dodgeball.

I just kind of shrugged it off eventually. I wasn't good at sports. Whatever. I was good at grammar.

What happened, though, was that I labeled my body as weak. I figured one of the main reasons I wasn't good at anything was because I was not strong. How could I play soccer if I couldn't even run around the field ONCE? It just wasn't possible. I was given this body, and it was better equipped to sit on the bleachers.

All was well with me and my weak body, since I didn't need it to be strong for anything I liked doing. But then I went to Sarah Lawrence, and they had this stupid requirement that we take a class that gave us a gym credit in our first year. I know what you're thinking, Of all the schools in the world, Sarah Lawrence had a gym credit requirement? We asked the same question, trust me. The top two reasons we came up with as to why Sarah Lawrence had this ridiculous requirement were a) they built this fancy athletic center and wanted us to use it- and they knew a bunch of tree-huggers weren't going to willingly go to the gym, or b) we had a tendency to get fat there and they didn't want to get a reputation for being a school for fat liberals.
Miserably, I looked over the list of options for classes that would give me that gym credit, hoping to find something like "making margaritas". No such luck. Instead, the list held the predictable: tennis, basketball, rowing, kickboxing... but then, last on the list, the funniest thing: Yoga. (OF COURSE, at Sarah Lawrence, Yoga was considered a sport...) Well, at that point in my life, I had no idea what yoga really was, but from what I had heard it sounded easy. It was like taking a meditation class! Ok. The decision was made. I signed up to take yoga for a semester.

I certainly didn't expect what I was about to experience during those yoga classes. I arrived to the first class in warm sweats, imagining it might get cold if I had to be still and breathe for a while. I had no idea- NO IDEA- that yoga was hard work. The class started with the teacher (a very nice older man who spoke so softly I wondered if he thought he was teaching pre-schoolers) telling us to sit cross-legged and breathe equal breaths. Ok- so far so good. Next he had us kind of chant an "OM". Ok, a little weird, but whatever. Then we had to stand up. Err.... okay... Then we had to put our hands in prayer position- ok, so we're gonna meditate standing up, that's not too bad. Then we had to raise our hands up to the "Sun". But we're staring at the ceiling... Then he told us to dive forward and touch our toes. WELL. 18-year-old Larissa did not touch her toes. Knees maybe. And still, that was pretty hardcore for me then. Then, assuming we all had our hands flat on the floor by our feet, he told us to jump or hop backwards into "plank" pose! Ha! I looked around me to, first of all, see what the hell that means, and second, to see if anyone else was planning to quit like I was. But everyone did the movement and didn't complain, so I kind of waddled my feet backwards and ended up in that so-called-plank position, which was starting to look way too much like a push-up position, and I was already starting to tremble. On we went to "upward dog", which felt like something that should only be expected of olympic professionals, and then to "downward dog," which felt naughty and made me want to fart.
The class went on and on, crazy shape after crazy shape, and I was sweating and working so hard to bend and mold my body into those shapes and keep on breathing "equal breaths" (impossible! I thought, as I panted) that I might as well have been giving birth to a mini-lion.
But then came the end of class, and he had us lay in "corpse" pose, which I would've found to be an incredibly morbid way to reach inner peace had I not been so exhausted. And there I lay, still and silent. And slowly, as my breath and heartbeat slowed down again, and my body- hot and sweaty- cooled and melted, I started to feel drastically different. I started thinking, Wow. Look what my body just did. My arms feel so strong. My abs feel so connected. I feel so "in my body". I feel so relaxed. My organs even feel relaxed. This is fantastic. I think I'm addicted. I wonder where I can buy my own yoga mat.

And, just like that, I found my athletic self. I wouldn't call myself a devoted yogi- yet- but I kept on doing yoga sporadically in the years to come, and recently have been making it a point to take it more seriously, doing it on a regular basis, and paying attention to my growth in the practice.

As it turns out, my body was never weak. There was always a strong body inside my lazy outer frame, I just didn't know it. And even though I'm not going to be the one to pick up the ball and suggest a volleyball game at the beach, I know there is a place where my body does like to work hard, push boundaries, and grow stronger. It just so happens that my "field" is a soft yoga mat, and my sport had to be one free of competition and aggression, where the payoff is what's felt in my being rather than displayed as points on a screen. I have learned to let my body tell me its limits, instead of imposing them upon myself before trying them out. I have learned my body is ever-changing, if I let it be.

Oh, and not only can I touch my toes now, I can do a back-bridge...

Back To Destination :) :)

Hello Everybody,

I Successfully Completed Graduation Exams.  I Missed All Your Blogs. Very Soon Will Visit Your Blogs. 

Well, I Want To Modify Outlook of My Blog. Whenever, I Try To Change Template, Template will Not Change. I Follow Proper Instructions As Said BY Template Websites..Still, I Couldn't. So It Would Be of Great Help, If You All Help Me With Your Suggestions, Opinions, Instructions, So On. 

All of You Take Care. Very Soon Will Be Back With Oceanic Poems.

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Sweet Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, 
"Flooding Awards".

Sunday, May 23, 2010


What a sweltering early summer's day it is here in Sheffield. I've been topless all day, my pecs and biceps glinting in glorious May sunshine as I dig up misplaced daffodils, replant them, sweep the block paving at the front and wash our window frames. No doubt Lady Pudding will have other jobs for me to do before sundown.

Yesterday we motored over to the East Riding to pick over the detritus of my mother's life. My younger brother has resided in her house since she died but it will soon be up for sale.

Here's a photograph I took along the way on Beverley Westwood - the large open common land south west of the town of Beverley where I went to school many moons ago. Between the trees you can see The Black Mill and to the right, just peeping over the horizon - the grandstand of Beverley racecourse:-
And here's a photograph I took last weekend while wandering with Shirley through the nearby ancient woodland known as Ecclesall Woods - a mile from our house.
There were so many bluebells around. They were a joy to see... But wait a minute, the bell is ringing. Coming dearest! Pardon?... Must hurry, her ladyship wants her toenails clipping. See you!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gene Genie

The final episode of the fabulous Ashes to Ashes has aired, bringing to an end a 5 season mystery-cum story-arc that started with Life on Mars. With it the truth has at last been revealed regarding Sam Tyler and Alex Drake's travels back to the 1970's and 80's respectively.

I won't spoil the end but I will say I for one didn't see it coming and yet now I look back all the signs were there right from early on. Great TV, well plotted and ending with the audience wanting more.

Philip Glenister is the "Gene Genie", DCI Gene Hunt, snake skin boots and all.

Elsewhere US TV execs have axed both Heroes and FlashForward this past week. Both had exciting and promising starts and at times I've enjoyed watching them but to be honest they each lost direction and focus rapidly and needed putting out of our misery. Perhaps the writers/creators of both should look to Mars and Ashes for hints and tips on making good, gripping (almost sci-fi) drama..?    

Oh yeah one other thing: the weather was lovely today. Spent quite a bit of time outside playing What's the Time, Mr Wolf? with you-know-who. Great.

The Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts, USA Tourism

The Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts,  USA

The Pioneer Valley, a string of historic settlements along the Connecticut River from Springfield in the south up to the Vermont border, formed the western frontier of New England from the early 1600s until the late 18th century. The northern regions of the Pioneer Valley remain rural and tranquil; farms and small towns have typical New England architecture. Farther south, the cities of Holyoke and Springfield are more industrial. Educational pioneers came to this region as well to form major colleges and some well known prep schools.

Six Flags New England, outside Springfield, is New England’s largest theme park and water park with more than 160 rides and shows, including the tallest and fastest steel coaster on the East Coast. This theme park is closed during November to April.

Flooding Awards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearies, I Am Very Happy To Receive Award From Many Excellent Experienced Bloggers Cum Good Friends :)  :)

Received This From Hemanth !!!!!!!!!

Hemanth Shares Many Beautiful Touching Poems......Fictions.......He Himself Is A Birthday Calendar ;) His IQ Is Excellent At Birth Dates of His Friends :) :) Hey, Hemanth, I Know You Are Excellent In All Fields of Life. I Always See Your Blog Very Much Colorful....Not That, Your Template Is Good...Its Because, The Way You Celebrate & Express Your Love & Affection Towards Your Near & Dear One's In A Much Touching Manner. That's The Reason I Said, Your IQ Is Good At Birth Date of Your Friends. Thanks A Bunch For This Beautiful Rose :) :)

Dearies, Here Is The Link of Photoblog of Hemanth.......And Here, You Will Find Excellent Writings & Birthday Wishes To His Friends.

 Next Award Is From Jingle.....Its An Excellent Website Which Encourages Bloggers of Every Field. Jingle, Thanks A Bunch For This Award :) :)

Received I Love My Followers Award From Ayu.....Being Youngest of Us, She Is Excellent At Her Poems, Anime's, Fictions......She Is A Great Poet As Well As A Writer......Ayu, Thanks  A Lot Dear :) :) Dearies, Visit Her Blog & Encourage This Young Poet, Young Blogger :) :) Here Is The Link. Thanks A Bunch Ayu :) :)

Tom & Jerry Award & Many More From Amity :)  :)

Many of Us Know Amity Dear Very Well......She Is Excellent At All Types & Sorts of Poems.....There Are Many Ways of Poem To Learn From Her. She Has Passed Many Awards.....Here It Goes, 

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award;
2. Share seven things about yourself;
3. Pass the award to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic; and
4. Let them know about the award.

I Pass These 3 Awards To,  

Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All The Beautiful Encouraging Awards :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Lost Love"

PPS :- Wish You All A Very Happy Weekend :) :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fashion trends

Fashion is a term which generally refers to style and used for costume style that people keep on changing. People of all age now give more importance to fashion and the latest trend is stylish clothes in summer. The teenagers have a variety of costume to select and the accessories make the dresses completely unique and adorable. People these days don’t prefer to go to shops instead they like to shop online since it saves considerable amount of time and also they can select the type of dress they want just from a click and pay the money.

Great Universal is a site who provide excellent service to their customers since they have a vast knowledge in the field of fashion hence making trendy clothes as well as all the associates they have are very well trained people, and have a considerable amount experience in the field of fashion. The price at which they provide these services is very affordable. The products are of huge variety and the colors are also of a wide range, hence the customers can enjoy a virtual experience before they buy their favorite ones. They aptly call it Shop smart. Yes this is the most affordable way of shopping where you can save your time, money and effort.


Standing on a lofty ridge known as Park Hill, the rocket-like shape of Sheffield's Cholera Monument overlooks the city centre. It was erected in 1835 in memory of the 403 citizens who succumbed to that deadly water-born contagion in the summer of 1832. The monument's location was not chosen randomly for it was in the surrounding land known as Clay Wood that the majority of the unfortunate victims were buried.

Back in the eighteen thirties, nobody fully understood where cholera came from. It was even known as Asiatic Cholera and official pronouncements suggested that it was a disease of the lazy and morally corrupt. In Sheffield, that particular idea was challenged when the city's Master Cutler died just before he could complete his honorary year in office.

Cholera swept through many large European cities in the early eighteen thirties causing widescale fatalities wherever it struck. It even reached America.

In 1801, Sheffield's population was just over 30,000. By 1831 it had risen to just under 100,000 - an amazing threefold increase in thirty years. Rural people had gathered their drinking water from the sky, brought it from flowing streams or had drawn it from ancient wells. In developing urban areas with tightly packed housing, old rural water-gathering habits didn't fit. Hence, sanitation problems grew.

One good thing that emerged from the cholera epidemic was the formation of "boards of health" that had the remit to respond to the health needs of the general population. This certainly happened in Sheffield where a leading citizen and moneyed gentleman, James Montgomery, was influential. It was he who laid the cholera monument's foundation stone and oversaw its completion. He wrote poems and hymns about the epidemic, though he was not the only one. A contemporary, Mary Hutton, wrote these lines in her poem "On the Cholera Pestilence":-

How vacant now each sorrowing home
How dark is the distress!
For a darkening cloud of sable gloom
Has veiled our happiness.

Sheffield's Cholera Monument is illuminated at night. It sits high above the railway station and marks a time of fear, death and sorrow. It's as if every major town in Britain between 1831 and 1833 suffered the equivalent of a jumbo jet crash with no survivors. Nowadays, most people looking up to Park Hill would have absolutely no idea why Victorian Sheffielders thought it necessary to construct, at great expense, such an edifice. Nonetheless, I write this in memory of the city's four hundred and three cholera victims.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hurrah! Our potatoes are coming through at long last. It was on April 12th when I planted twenty four seed potatoes of the Pentland Javelin variety - at the top of the garden in the vegetable plot that we have partially resurrected after several years of lying fallow. I'm talking about the land not the owners!

The seed potatoes were bought in mid-February and I had them "chitting" in a tray near the french doors. My little babies - pushing out stubby little shoots. Now those same shoots have grown, forcing their way through weather-baked clods of clayey soil to reach for the sun. All being well in a couple of weeks I will be earthing up these potato plants, making domed ridges in which new potatoes can form.

It's been really dry in Sheffield for the last couple of months - hardly any significant rain showers. Now that the plants are poking through, I think I will have to give them a good drink. The weather forecast for the rest of this week is super with temperatures rising to 25 degrees centigrade and more importantly for plants - mild night-times. About ten days ago the temperature dropped below freezing on three consecutive nights killing off my beautiful little courgette plants so I immediately had to sow a few more in indoor pots. I've also got broad beans on the go and plan to sow some dwarf beans in the next few days.

We planted ten raspberry canes and the five Glen Amples have budded and leafed nicely but the five Mallings are more moody. Two of these canes look as if they prefer death to life.

Speaking of death, I'm going to a funeral tomorrow. Alison. I reckon she was fifty nine. I met her through work in 1980 and though I never really "clicked" with her as true friends do, we frequently bumped into each other and politely passed the time of day. She was intelligent, a socialist, a teacher, a mother and a feminist with spirit and a zest for life.The last time I saw her was at the morning cinema screening of "A Prophet" back in February. What took her? It was a second appearance of skin cancer that this time invaded her brain. She died in our local hospice ten days ago. Mourners are asked to wear something red at the funeral but I don't think my plastic clown's nose on elastic would do. Perhaps a tie instead. Yes. A red tie to say goodbye.