Thursday, May 10, 2007


Read the tale of how American "food" giant KFC have legally challenged a North Yorkshire pub's use of the term "family feast" to describe its Christmas menu. Apparently KFC have copyrighted this phrase. On two counts, how can they? Firstly, KFC "food" is rubbish. Personally, I would never consume anything from their horrid menu - not even if it was a mistakenly fried baby rat! So to describe anything they produce as being a "family feast" is in my view blatant and hideous misuse of the English language. A pile of crap cannot be a family feast can it?

Secondly, the English language is there for us all to use. Okay I accept you can copyright "The New York Times" or "Love Heart" sweeties, "Ford Mustang" or even "KFC" but "family feast"? Come on! If that is acceptable then I hereby claim copyright over these four words - "Exit", "Entrance", "Push" and "Pull". However, I also hereby give permission for anybody in the world to freely use these words apart from the KFC corporation. These words must be removed from all KFC doorways. Failure to follow this instruction will invite strong legal action! Sometimes David bites back Goliath!

Tan Hill Inn - England's highest pub. Click on it to see their website.

FRIDAY UPDATE. Given the growing ridicule, KFC have done the "decent" thing and knocked this issue on the head now. More likely they saw how their image was being tarnished by reports of their heavy-handed behaviour and wished to save face. Here's the ITN news report "...a spokeswoman for KFC GB Ltd has now stated that no further action will be taken against the pub.
She said: "KFC has to protect its trademarks against those who seek to trade off its brand. KFC has spoken to Ms Daly at the Tan Hill Inn and confirmed that it will not take this case any further.
The spokeswoman added: "This means that Ms Daly can continue to use the phrase 'Family Feast' on the pub's Christmas menu. It's an unusual situation that has been blown out of all proportion."
Ms Daly said: "They have very kindly said we can continue using the name. Common sense has prevailed. I'm very relieved and ecstatic."
VERY KINDLY!? Hey get real landlady! They're finger-lickin thugs!

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