Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Blogger Mr Arctic Fox from noxious Huddersfield recently challenged other bloggers to relate facts about themselves, foreshadowing his own list of facts about the rare arctic creature after which his blog was named. I hereby lift up the gauntlet with several facts about the Yorkshire Pudding.
1. The first known Yorkshire pudding recipe to be printed appeared in "The Art of Cooking" by Hannah Glasse in 1796.
2. The Yorkshire pudding was often served as a first course "filler" for poorer people to reduce their appetite for second course meat.
3. Left over Yorkshire pudding can be eaten as dessert with fruit jam (jelly to American readers).
4. The cricket umpire Dickie Bird once wore an upturned Yorkshire pudding on his head like a flat cap for three overs of a test match and nobody noticed.
5. A stale Yorkshire pudding can be soaked in water and used as filler for cracked walls where it hardens like plaster.
6. The frisbee was first invented by two American college students who were throwing a large discarded Yorkshire pudding around in their college grounds.

7. When placed in a Lancashire oven, a Yorkshire pudding will never rise.

8. Elvis Presley passed away after choking on a piece of Yorkshire pudding that had gone down the wrong way.
9. The Yorkshire pudding is an ancient aphrodisiac.

10. The owl and the pussycat didn't sail away in a pea green boat - it was a watertight Yorkshire pudding which they nibbled during their treacherous voyage.

This is not one of those "meme" thingumybobs that gets passed around Blogworld but if you too fancy providing some interesting facts of your own then please go ahead...!

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