Thursday, August 21, 2008


How colourful is the English language. Here is just a sample of terms one might use for drunkenness:-

sloshed. smashed, rat-arsed, pissed, hammered, plastered, three sheets to the wind, belted, bent, betty-booped, blitzed, bombed, inebriated, out of one's tree. shit-faced, embalmed, blotto, intoxicated, juiced up, loaded, on a bender, pickled, pie-eyed, sauced, stoned, tanked, wasted, wiped-out, wrecked, zonked.

They say that Eskimos had dozens of different terms for types of snow and that South Pacific islanders had many different terms they could apply to the various parts and multivarious uses of the coconut palm but in the modern English speaking world, we get inventive about drunkenness. And this is surely a highly over-rated state to be in. It causes fights, car accidents, family break-ups, liver damage, obesity, financial stress, sleepless nights, bravado, unwise sexual liaisons, days off work.
Don't get me wrong, I love a drink but these days always in moderation. Drink in pubs lubricates conversation, creates laughter, relieves work-related stress, releases some relationship pressures, gives lonesome people somewhere to be that isn't home. Drink isn't all bad. Do you know any other words for the state of drunkenness?

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