Sunday, July 8, 2007

Google Geared Up!!!

Things are changing...
Online and offline gaps are shrinking day by day.
The reason is the same reason thats hot in the air... net air
The big G... Google.
The google has geared up, not literally but this is the name of their new application known as Google Gears.
Now what the hell's that?
Its what will revolutionise the net... Many of the applications,sites would work offline including the gmail
(How can google forget its son!).
And... Google Gears is a son only for now (Beta is Son in Hindi)i.e. its first beta has released only.
(Dont worry beta's run, your gtalk is still in beta mode,hope the google search engine isnt beta after so much years)
But i still dont understand why google is interested in bringing the whole web to the desktop.
First Google Desktop! and now Google Gears!
Whatever its overall a benefit for home users who are sick in bed (like me) after discovering the bills that the ghost of the internet threw at them.
(By the way I heard that google has a plan to bring up an operating system GHOST in their big brain)

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