Thursday, May 29, 2008


Hurrah! Hurrah! Another meme! Any visitors to this blog are welcome to copy and paste it and have a go at this particular meme in their own way. And thanks to David in Kiwiland for passing it on. There's nothing like a good meme to get the juices flowing! By the way, I am writing this in Cahersherkin, County Clare, Ireland - where my brother Paul lives with his Josephine, Michael and Kevin.. and not far away Katie and Seamus with their new baby girl whose Irish name I cannot spell...
My ex... is so long ago and faraway that I can hardly remember her.
Maybe I should... lose some weight this summer... a stone would do for starters.
I love... eggs like the ones I have just had for my breakfast - from Katie's chicken coop. The yokes are literally golden and the white stays together instead of spreading out like a pancake in the pan.
People would say... that I am serious and intelligent but secretly I love silliness and unexpected cock-ups and I see types of intelligence in everyone I meet.
I don't understand... why anyone would follow any religion as this medieval nastiness gets in the way of real life and causes untold misery.
When I wake up in the morning... I wish that I had gone to bed earlier.
I lost... my heart in San Francisco.
Life is full of... twists and turns, highs and lows, words and sentences.
My past is... partly what made me who I am today.
I get annoyed when... I see drivers using mobile phones and that includes texting while driving.
Parties are... about standing as close to the kitchen as you can because that is usually where the booze will be.
I wish... that I had enough money to stop working and could travel where ever I wished to go.
Dogs... are generally smelly, they bark, they bite and mostly I don't like them.
Cats... are free spirits and I often wonder what exactly they get upto at night.
Tomorrow... I will be flying back to England from Shannon Airport.
I have low tolerance... of big-headed morons who think that they have "made it" just because they have money in the bank and flash cars in the driveway.
If I had a million dollars... I would travel all over the Spitzbergen, Papua New Guinea, Buenos Aires, The Bay of Plenty and Hull.
I'm totally terrified... of serious injury or death in a car accident and then not being able to rewind the tape in order to avoid the collision.

Meme done I am now off to Ennistymon to do some shopping for tonight's dinner. Then I'll be driving on to Katie's house. We're going to Lahinch for lunch with the great niece whose name is spelt Cait though in Irish it is not pronounced Kate - more like Porsche with a C at the beginning... Here she is on the day she was born...

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