Sunday, July 2, 2006

Entry for July 02, 2006

Well I think I have just about recovered from Saturday night; what a night! Is it fair to say the entire nation was gripped and on the edge of it's collective seat? Maybe.

I guess the vast majority had watched live but some like myself had other pressing commitments and so had to rely on the VCR in order to view later on. And it was absolute hell trying to avoid over-hearing the outcome, I can tell you.

Matters went right down to the last thrilling moment. All the old fears and woes resurfacing like a bad dream. False starts and casualties, just to ensure my finger nails didn't survive the night. As the final few moments played out, I just couldn't believe my eyes, I could hardly look: where on Earth had the Daleks come from?

Not enough that the Cybermen where back, bigger and meaner than ever but the old pepperpots as well? Thought they were gone for good. Russell T Davies and all the folks at BBC Wales had kept that little surprise pretty much under wraps. Nice one. I can't wait to see part 2 next Saturday.

I believe there was a football match on as well. How did we do?

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