Monday, March 2, 2009

Information Slow Lane

So I've been having a difficult time with my Internet Service Provider of late.

I've found it's been increasingly difficult to get any sort of Broadband connection these past 10 days or so. My ISP has a message on their web site saying they have an issue, which of course you can only read if you can actually get on the internet; it's dated 19 Feb. Yesterday I finally decided I'd been patient enough and gave their "help desk" a ring. That was the start of my pain which then endured for over 70 minutes on the phone, going over the same information a number of times with different operators grrrr.

The first person, I will call "C" (because who knows, she might actually read this!) was quite rude and in fact at one point went as far as to basically imply I was lying grrrr. Anyway I have made a complaint about "C." Apparently according to "C" the fault lies with my phone company, despite the ISP putting their equipment into the exchange ("C" denied this) and stating on their site it was a fault at their end. Also apparently Call Centre supervisors aren't there for our benefit but for the phone operators. Go figure.

Anyway and I'm going to wrap this up because it's not that exciting really, I finally got passed along. First to another lady "L" who was most helpful and finally to "R" a man in the technical dept, who finally confirmed they have an issue they are working with but couldn't say how much longer it will take. Keep checking the web site (if you can get connected).

Had a go with a 56k Dial-Up modem last night. Quaint but it worked LOL.

Right got that off my chest now.

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