Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The toll of British dead in Afghanistan has risen to 204. See the latest victims above - James, Simon and Louis - gone forever but for what? Why did they have to die? Politicians never fight wars. They just make them. Regarding Afghanistan, justification has been built on shifting ground. One reason gives way to another. Essentially, in the first place, we hung on to the shirt tails of the American revenge mission - to seek out Osama bin Laden and rid the world of the irritatingly elusive "enemy" that engineered the horror of 9/11. Now we have got Gordon Brown telling us that terrorist threats to Britain's welfare chiefly originate in this Taliban/Al Queida cradle and that's why we're there. I'm no military historian but common sense tells me that Britain's activity in Afghanistan will probably attract more vengeance from the forces of evil and not less. I admire Wootton Bassett's dignified and repeated recognition of our soldiers' untimely deaths but there have been enough hearses, enough lowering of flags, enough bugle calls. Enough is enough...Once again, shouldn't we all be demanding - Bring our brothers home!

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