Friday, September 25, 2009

Cheap 'n' Nasty

Just to prove you only get what you pay for...

The other day I managed to foolishly drop my Mobi (Cell fone) onto a rather unforgiving surface. The back cover over the battery popped off (no biggie) as well as a small piece from the front cover. Of course the back was easy to find but despite spending perhaps half an hour crawling on the floor on my hands and knees (please don't laugh too loudly), I couldn't for the life of me find the little piece for the front.

Now my fone is a tad ancient and perhaps not the most glamorous but I'm kind of attached to it and don't want to replace it over a silly piece of white plastic. Sad aren't I?

You can therefore imagine my delight when I found on a well known auction site a third party replacement cover kit. Yes it was a different colour but I thought ringing the changes would look so cool. And at only £3.99 (US$5.99, AU$7.18) I thought I couldn't go wrong.

How wrong could I be? Yes when assembled it looked great. The problem being that a good number of the buttons wouldn't line up with the membrane on the fone. If I pressed the wrong key either I would get no response or the fone would lock up. Guess I should have known better.

So I'm now back to square one* so to speak...

And before you ask, that is Kate.

* Something to do with a well known board game perhaps? "Do not pass go, do not collect £100" LOL

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