Friday, June 18, 2010


Some bloggers fade away and never return. You know how it is - you're regularly logging in to a favourite well-maintained blog and then suddenly - nothing! Every week or so you might check back to see if there has been any activity but there's zilch - just the same last post like a plaintive bugle call on a parade ground.

However, some bloggers come back into the fold of the blogosphere - even after months or years. They will have tried other pastimes like jogging, stamp collecting, flower arranging, Greco-Roman wrestling, pole dancing or ferret breeding but finally realise that there's nothing to beat a good old blog so they come back like prodigal sons and daughters.

So I get to the point of this post. A shameless advertisement for one of these returned "lost sheep" bloggers who is currently blogging out of his cell in Strangeways Prison, Manchester. He was incarcerated for tax evasion, supporting Manchester United and for once staring at a suggestive internet image of a young lady in a bikini during working hours. The blog has returned in fancy new "Wordpress" clothing and it's a blog I always used to like tuning into even though it is produced by one of the sworn enemies of the People's Republic of Greater Yorkshire - a Mancunian or Mank for short.

If you're kind to birds and small animals, like dipping your hand in your pocket for the needy and are interested in how the other half live, may I suggest that you visit Shooting Parrots. Click on the picture below to venture into his weird and wonderful blogzone...
This blogpost was sponsored by Shooting Parrots Inc.

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