Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tearful Mao returns to Japan, vows to compete at Nationals.

In an article from Universal Sports, World Champion Mao Asada has spoken of her grief to return to Japan to find that her mother Kyoko Asada had passed away (aged just 48) whilst she was travelling back from the Grand Prix Final in Canada.

"When I got to Narita and checked my e-mail, I had a text from my father that said, ‘Mom couldn't make it.' I just cried and cried," Asada told Kyodo News.
But the 21-year-old is determined to compete at Nationals in Osaka, which begin on December 23.
"My mother would rejoice that I'm determined to do what I must do as I aim to achieve my dreams for the future,"

We all wish Mao and her sister Mai the very best at this incredibly difficult time. Losing your mother at such a young age is terrible for any person, but to do so in the media spotlight and with the pressure of competing for your country is doubly hard.

Mao has great courage to compete again so soon (memories of the brave Joannie Rochette come to mind). Japanese Nationals are one of the most competitive in the world. Good Luck Mao!

(Images of Mao returning to Japan, and of her mother Kyoko from Daylife.com)

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