Sunday, November 13, 2011


Above you can see the winning design for Blogland's official flag. Thank you to Master Humphrey Pudding, aged eleven of Sheffield, England. It will fly over the meeting house and residents may wish to purchase clothing items or memorabilia that celebrate the birth of our alernative nation - for example:-

Several residential plots have already been reserved by bloggers who will be the mothers and fathers of our new Blogland nation but it's not too late to get your name down and join us! I can exclusively reveal that two well-known celebrity bloggers have asked be part of our special community. How'd you like Johnny Depp living next door to you? Yes that's right folks - Johnny Depp! Should we let him in?

Leave all your troubles behind. Forget the world economic crisis and the price of petrol. Forget the cold, work pressures and home maintenance issues. Forget the predictable drudgery of your current life and sign up for our Blogland adventure - a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Short letters of application may still be created via the "comments" facility. Click in the bottom right of this post where you can see the term "Visitor Comments". Don't miss out! Join us!

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