Friday, July 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

I've been trying to think of something better for this post for a while now. I know there are tons of things, but nothing is currently coming to me at the moment. I'm sure I will think of something nifty after this post or even tomorrow. That's something I hate: having the perfect thing/person/idea/etc. AFTER the fact. It always happens to me when I play Apples to Apples. I always draw the perfect card after I put down a card for the category.

Anyways, voicemails. Why do I hate voicemails? The truth? I hate that stupid, obnoxious icon that appears on my cell phone in the top corner telling me I have a voicemail. It doesn't go away until I listen to it. I don't mind voicemails from people I don't know informing me of something, responding to an inquiry I've made, etc. But, when it's my friends or family it kinda irks me. I know it shouldn't, but it does. I can SEE that I have a missed call from you. I will call you back when I am available. You don't have to leave me a message saying, "Hey it's so-so at this time. Call me back when you get a chance!" I know who you are you, I know what you time you called and I see that you want to talk to me from the missed call. Voicemails are so unnecessary sometimes!

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