Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 19

Day 19 - A picture and a letter (choose any photo and write short entry to explain why you've chosen it)
Oh boy.

Dear 15 Year Old Caitlin,

Real love isn’t perfect…but perfect love isn’t real.

The greatest revenge is doing something someone say you cannot.

If you're not sure, sleep on it. Don't make decisions right away. Think about it, plan it out in your head and involve yourself in it before you make the wrong choice.

Time will heal the wounds you do not work to mend yourself.

Don't judge yourself against other people. We're all meant to be different.

If he doesn't treat you like a princess, get out now.

Your first instinct is almost always the right one.

Just because everyone else likes something, it doesn't mean you have to too. You can't choose what you like, but you can choose what you do.

When you think everyone is watching you, chances are they probably not. Stop worrying what they're thinking of you.

At the end of the day you are the only one who has to deal with your own actions and there are consequences.

Most of it doesn't matter.

The loudest noise in the world is the sound of people whining. No one wants to hear it.

Don't lie. Ever. About anything unless it's a white lie.

You're never going to complete your to-do list. It'll still be there when you die.

Your friends and family are the most important assets you have in life.

Things have to end so that better things come along.

It's okay to be YOU.

Stand up for what you believe in.

It's okay to be wrong.

It's called work for a reason.

It's okay, even good to fail sometimes.

You know as much as everyone else.

Never settle for second best.

If you constantly want someone to change then you should not be in the relationship.

Listen to your parents, they are almost always right. And they are just trying to protect and love you.

People don't pay as much attention to you as you think they do. They are too busy worrying about themselves.

Remember you are hardest on yourself. Others (generally) see you in a better light

It's often easier, quicker and more pleasant to simply do what someone asks rather than argue about why you shouldn't have to

Relationships are not supposed to be hard in the beginning

Say what you mean and mean what you say. And don't beat around the bush. People cannot read your mind.

The older, wiser, Caitlin who has fallen in love, gone away to college, worked really hard only to fail, hit some major road bumps, fallen out of love, learned the hard way, has had her heart broken, and who has gotten some big bruises and scratches over the past 7 years.

(I do not wish that I would've known all of these things at 13 because then I wouldn't have learned the hard way and become as strong as I am now. Those experiences were very important in my youth I believe.)

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