Thursday, July 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Gilmore Girls, hands down is my favorite TV show. Even though it is not on the air anymore, it holds a very special place in my heart. The funny thing about this show is that I used to catch episodes and hate them. I was too young to understand the humor and always turned the channel. Eventually I started to understand and appreciate all that this show was. I absolutely adore Lorelai and Rory's relationship and their fascination with coffee and tons and tons of food. I'm pretty sure I could keep up with their coffee drinking addiction. I also love Luke and Emily Gilmore. She constantly makes me laugh and she is SUCH a great actress. 

I remember when I found out that this series was coming to an end. I was so upset and distraught that the guy I was seeing at the time told me he would take me out to eat because he knew I was so upset. I remember watching Lorelai singing karaoke and her feeling embarrassed for her when she stood up at Lane's wedding and made a speech about whose not getting married. Raincoats and Recipes remains my all time favorite episode and I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for Lorelai than Luke. 

To this day I cannot watch the series finale without crying. Rory's speech to Lorelai at the graduation party gets me every time. I will re-watch this series until the end of time.

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